God is good and His intent for our lives is good. When we accept God’s love for us and begin to trust and follow Him, doing good is a natural outflow of our love for Him and our neighbors.
At Chase Oaks San Antonio, we realize that many churches aren’t known for being compassionate or loving. We want to change that. We believe that our faith in Jesus should motivate us to help others. Our neighbors should be able to clearly see, that we are here for good!
When you show up at COSA, we want you to be yourself. There is no need to pretend to be any better or worse than you are. We believe that God loves us just as we are, and we should love others the same way. We are all on a journey and none of us have life figured out. We are imperfect people doing our best to genuinely follow Jesus the best that we can.
God invites us into a life of love and grace that, over time, changes us. When we love like Jesus, our life begins to look more like His. That means there’s hope for all of us. We can learn to love others like Jesus did, have courageous compassion like Jesus did, and experience what Jesus called “life that is truly life.” All Jesus followers are on this journey of transformation together. We hope you will join the journey with us.
As God’s love changes us, we become more like Jesus. We forgive people who have wronged us, we show mercy to those who are in desperate need of it, and we look for ways to help others. Whether locally or globally, through large acts of heroism and generosity or small acts of kindness and compassion, whether noticed or not — we all have a part to play in changing our world for the better. We have the power to make a difference.
Jesus’ life was characterized by His love for God and His love for others. His love for God was expressed by living a life lived that pleased Him and by drawing close to God in prayer and meditating on His word. His love for others was expressed in unconditional love for others.
You don’t have to jump through a bunch of hoops to be a part of our church. Just show up. The moment you show up, you belong.
We are wired to be in community with other people. When we develop strong friendships, we have a support system for difficult times. We also encourage each other to live the life God intended us to live. We want to make each other better and see each other thrive.
Our faith in Jesus should motivate us to help others; to love others enough to serve them. It should show our neighbors that we are here to do good. Our neighborhood should also have a sense that we want to be a part of the community and not be here for a short time.
We love people! Every person has a story, and each story is unique to that person. Whatever your journey is, we want you to know that you are loved. At Chase Oaks San Antonio, we don’t want to sow division and animosity with the world we live in. We want our city, our neighbors and our visitors to know that we are advocates for them and want to see them thrive.

Back in 2016, our Lead Pastor Matt Snellings and his wife Jennifer began to sense that God was leading them to be more compassionate toward their neighbors. This meant listening to God’s promptings and the voices of others who had different life experiences. Matt began to carefully study the life of Jesus and how He encouraged His followers to love in such a way that it set them apart from the people around them.
The more that Matt learned and spoke to people, the more he was concerned about the direction that many churches were going.
He started talking to fellow pastors and friends about how, together, they could make a difference. After a few years, it was apparent that he would need to start something new. A small group of dedicated friends and families jumped on board and got excited about being a part of this change. One of the passages that was most impactful to them during this time was from the Book of Isaiah:
“Do not call to mind the former things or consider things of the past. Behold, I am going to do something new, now it will spring up; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” -Isaiah 43:18-19
Eventually, this led them to partner with Chase Oaks Church in Dallas because of their vision and commitment to create environments where you can come as you are, be transformed and make a difference.
Chase Oaks San Antonio (COSA) was started as the first regional campus of Chase Oaks Church in Dallas, Texas back in August 2021. In August of 2022 it was apparent that COSA would have a bigger impact as a church than a campus. It was then that Chase Oaks San Antonio became a church.
COSA started with a desire to love God and our neighbors in such a way that it shows them we are here for good.
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” -John 13:34-35
The short answer to that question is no. We believe that you should belong before you believe. That means, the less hoops you have to jump through, the better. When you show up to a service or serving opportunity, you are a part of COSA.
Rather than being a “member” of Chase Oaks San Antonio, we’d like to see people participating in the mission and life of the church. We want people to be the church, not just observe it in a class or on Sunday morning.
If you would like to know more about what it means to be involved at COSA, please fill the form below.
We provide a few key environments that encourage people to follow Jesus.
- Groups: A group is a gathering of 8-10 people that follow Jesus together. These groups meet in people’s homes 2-4 times per month. Typically these groups will meet and catch up on how their weeks are going, focus on the life of Jesus and pray for each other. It is not a Bible study, per se, but it is focused on doing life together and encouraging each other to live more like Jesus.
- Teams: Teams are groups that serve together. There are teams that help us make Sunday mornings happen like our KidsCo, First Impressions, Worship and Greeting Teams. We have teams that serve out in our community and a team that prays for the church. When you join a team, you are able to build relationships with people at COSA and make a difference together.
- Here for Good projects: Another way to participate in the mission of our church is to serve our neighborhoods. We do this through key partnerships in our community. COSA partners with a local school and other organizations that are making an impact on our neighborhoods positively. We believe that when you love people, you will want to help them in a tangible way. By doing that, we are pointing to Jesus who lovingly served others as a humble servant.
COSA is a “come as you are” church. A lot of churches say that, but few actually mean it. We believe Jesus loves and accepts us just as we are, and His followers should do the same. When you come to our service, don’t feel like you need to act, dress or talk any differently than you normally do.
When you arrive on Sunday morning, warm and friendly faces are ready to greet you. If you have any questions about the church, our First Impressions Team will be more than happy to answer them.
For young kids from birth to fifth grade, we offer KidsCo service. Kids will be doing fun activities, talk about Jesus, and getting to know other kids at our church. High School and Junior High students are welcome at our regular service in the worship area.
Service lasts for about an hour. During the service, we will sing worship songs, listen to a message from Scripture. After worship, you are invited to join us at COSA café in the building for snacks, coffee and fellowship.
Life is a journey and we are all on it together. Our hope is that we can come alongside of you on that adventure and encourage you to listen to God’s leading for your life.
We believe that being a disciple means being a follower of Jesus. When we follow Jesus, we live the same way that He lived (1 John 2:6). The way that Jesus lived His life was by loving God and loving others.
That’s why our mission is to be: A community that loves God and others in a way that shows them we are here for good.
We Are a Community
The Church isn’t a building it is a gathering of people following Jesus together.We gather in groups and do life together. Each of us have failures, victories and struggles. We believe that it is important to celebrate the victories and shoulder the burdens when we have the opportunity to do so. “Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” -Galatians 6:2. We want to be a church that is focused more on people than programs.
We Love God
When we love God, He begins to change our hearts. If we love Him, we will want to get to know Him through Scripture and talk to Him through prayer. Our faith in Him is more than a study or something we ought to do, it is a relationship. This relationship requires steps of faith that strengthen that connection. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is, Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other command greater than these.” -Mark 12:30-31. Loving Jesus impacts the direction of your life.
We Love People
This is a big part of who we are. We believe that God is up to something new in San Antonio. That something new is the new command. “I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another.” -John 13:34. This command was new when it was written because of the way that Jesus loved the people around Him. It stood out because it went above and beyond what the religious people of His day would do. The command is new to us because the demands of love change every day since our world is rapidly changing. A sincere love for God should directly impact our love for each other.
We Are Here for Good
We want to show our neighbors, and people around us, that we are here for good. The phrase “Here for good” has a dual meaning. The first meaning is that our intent to the people around us is good. We want to help them. We don’t want to condemn, hurt or otherwise malign them. We want what is in their best interest. It also means, we aren’t planning on going anywhere! Rather than reinventing the wheel, we would prefer to partner with organizations who are doing great work out in the community and help however we can. The world can be a dark place at times. It can be confusing, painful and it is easy to lose our way. Jesus tells us that doing good things for people is a way for our faith to shine during difficult times.“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” -Matthew 5:16. “Doing good” is an expression of God’s love to a hurting world.
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